Intake Area

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Enrolment at Singleton Primary School follows specific criteria centred around age, residential location, visa status, and educational requirements. As a local intake school, priority is given to children residing within the designated local intake area.

The following will define the local-intake area of this school:

From the point where the local government boundary between the City of Mandurah and the City of Rockingham meets Mandurah Road, west along this local government boundary to the coastline, north along the coastline to the western extension of Karunjie Road, east along this extension and east along Karunjie Road (south side included) to Minderoo Crescent, north along Minderoo Crescent (east side included) to the future road reserve between Lot 743 and Lot 744, east along the centre of this future road reserve between Lot 743 (excluded) and Lot 744 (included) and continuing east to the western end of Gaze Grove , east along Gaze Grove (south side included) to the eastern corner of Lot 136, south east along the property boundary between Lot 134 (excluded) and Lot 9 (included) and its south east extension to Mandurah Road, and north along Mandurah Road (east side included) to Stakehill Road, east along Stakehill Road (south side included) to the junction with Baldivis Road, east along the locality boundary between Baldivis and Karnup to the Serpentine River, generally south along the Serpentine River to the City of Rockingham local government boundary at the northern side of Guanarnup Pool, and generally west along this local government boundary to Mandurah Road.

Singleton Primary School