Welcome to Singleton Primary School







"Our school is a motivating, dynamic learning community preparing students for the future by engaging them today".

Singleton Primary School was established in 1996 to support the southern metropolitan coastal communities of Madora Bay, Golden Bay and Karnup. Other schools have since been built to support some of these areas; however, Singleton Primary School remains the heart of the Singleton community.  We are an Independent Public School recognised for its commitment to equity and inclusivity. The aim is to ensure that we build positive and supportive relationships between staff, students and families, along with the wider community.

Our purpose is to provide a safe and caring learning environment that encourages all student to fulfil their potential.  We ensure that decision making, strategic planning and resourcing align with the school ethos of equity, enterprise and endeavour.

The school has a strong focus on the social and emotional wellbeing of our students which is addressed through programs and support. Our school actively promotes performing arts and music and showcases our talent by attending events such as Wakakirri and One Big Voice.

We continue to prepare our children for the future by connecting with Coastal Lakes College to become a Stem Enterprise Pioneer School.  Our staff continue to develop themselves through professional learning and reflective practice.  Evidence-based teaching programs and whole-school approaches are embedded to maximise the positive impact on student outcomes.


Our school is a Positive Behaviour School with the expectations of: 

• Safety • Honesty • Respect • Excellence • Kindness

We believe children learn best when:

  • They are provided with a safe, secure and happy learning environment
  • Their mentors are highly motivated, skilled and enthusiastic
  • Learning is valued by the school community
  • They are confident communicating in all of its forms
  • Individual differences are recognised, respected and supported
  • The environment is rich in the range and variety of resources on offer

We need the support of the community to provide the best opportunities for our children to have success.  We encourage our parents and caregivers to join the School Board and P & C so they can take an active role in the school and its direction.

Darlene Gostelow | Principal


Kindergarten 2025

We are currently taking enrolments for our Kindy program for 2025 Students with a date of birth between 1st July 2020 and 30th June 2021 are invited to enrol for Kindy 2025 and places are filling fast. Applications for enrolment can be downloaded from website or collected from the primary school. The following documentation is



We are excited to announce that we will soon be offering our families Consent2Go, a digital solution that easily enables you to keep your child’s health records accurate and provide consent for school events, excursions and camps in a secure and timely manner. We are always looking for ways to enhance our student care and



Singleton Primary School